Long time, no update. Just finished up November ratings, the most important ratings period of the year.
I haven't had a fever in three weeks, but am still fighting some sort of infection around my neck and throat. Maybe my immunity still sucks from the shingles, but I tell you one thing, I'm darn sick of coughing! I sound like a cross between a smoker and someone's 85-year-old grandfather, of which I am neither.
I have an addendum to the previous entry about Rachel and food. We have a Mexican food chain here called Moe's. Good quesadillas, black beans and rice etcetera. Anyhow, apparently, young Miss Rachel likes red chips more than any other color. So when she comes in with mommy, they bring her a basket containing only red chips! No black, no yellow!
She also went to the eye doctor this week and has been prescribed glasses. It's slow going getting her to wear them, but she looks really cute. They're pink frames with small rounded lenses. Rachel dazzled her examiner with her ability to recite the letters on the eye charts. I guess most two-year-olds don't know their letters.
The other day, she had a piece of bread in her hand and was using it to spell out her first name. She has spelled her last name for months. She's also counting pretty consistently to 30 with only an error ot two.
Rebecca got some good news yesterday, It appears she'll go into studio to record a 15-second radio spot next week. It will be good to hear her voice on the air again and maybe it will remind some people she's still around.
We're having a war of wills with Rachel. She seems to think if she says, "No" enough or screams at the top her lungs, we'll cave in and she'll get her way. And maybe it's been like that in the past. But now we're taking a stand.
Last night, she didn't want to take a nap, so she screamed, wailed and caterwauled so loudly, I'm surprised all the windows in the cul de sac didn't shatter. Eventually, I turned out the lights in the living room to trick her and lo and behold, instead of taking a nap, she slept 12 hours! (And she's in fine spirits today!)
She has gotten in the habit of asking us to bring her "Little People" and she wants to dictate how many to bring and complains if it isn't just right. Last night was the last straw. We took her to services at the Temple and she was fantastic for 50 minutes and then pitched a screaming fit when her "Little People" weren't arranged properly in their miniature Radio Flyer Wagon. Afterwards, people stopped me and asked what was wrong and I'd just roll my eyes and explain it. She also pitched a fit when I denied her a fourth shot glass-sized cup of juice. We left against her wishes. She must learn there are consequences for bad behavior.
But I'll close with a funny Rachel story. After a while, we read her the same books over and over, so I'll pause and let her fill in the blank. We were reading "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" by Dr. Seuss. It had been a while since we read it.
So the phrase in question is "They come from near; they come from far. I would never walk. I would take a car."
So I read, "They come from near; they come from far. I would never walk, I would take a?"
And Rachel replies, "Nap!"
Forget walking, she's snoozing!
And actually, everyone in the house is snoozing but me right now. I'm about to change that!
Until next time!