Saturday, June 07, 2008

Red Lobster

We are trying to introduce Rachel to more of "our music." That way, everyone can enjoy themselves in the car and mommy and daddy don't have to listen to a steady diet of Sponge Bob and Little People.

Naturally, we are delighted that one of "our songs" Rachel has taken a liking to is the B-52S Rock Lobster. It has a catchy beat we all love and daddy likes to jack up the bass solos.

However, we had to stifle laughs today when Rachel told us she wanted to hear Red Lobster!

Can you imagine those lyrics?

We were really hungry,
Needed something bad,
Perhaps some tuna, salmon,
Or maybe eat some shad.

We didn't want McDonalds,
That there foods for wimps,
We wanted seafood cocktails,
Surrounded by some shrimps,
Didn't want Italian,
We're not Mafia or Mobster,
Only one place felt real right,
Our friendly ole Red Lobster.

Red Lobster!

Don't care what we pay,
Just don't give a damn,
Just want some buffet sefood,
Perhaps a bite of clam.

Pass the mahi mahi,
I'll have a bite of snapper,
For now we overeat,
Tonight we hit the crapper.

Red Lobster!

Kicks Ass!
Nothing makes me happier!
Than a plate of fried tilapia!

Red Lobster!
Red Lobster!

(Oops, gotta go. Someone says it is time for my meds!)


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