Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Daughter, The Sponge

You can't say we weren't warned. We've read and heard that children are sponges and if you harp on something enough, they'll eventually repeat it.

My wife and I are vehement anti-smokers. We've told Rachel that smoking is stupid and that mommy and daddy will never smoke. Fortunately, she hasn't yet walked up to a smoker and said, "You're stupid", although I did fear that was about to happen one day.

One day I was changing Rachel and altered the lyrics to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" to "Head, Shoulders, Bottom, Butt." I wish I had a do-over on that one.
It's been recited back to me a time or two or fifteen.

One of Rachel's other habits is pulling up her shirt to her shoulders, showing her chest and bellybutton and laughing. My wife has a funny response ready whenever she does it.

The other day, Rachel pulled up her shirt again. My wife told her once again that a lady shouldn't act that way. To which Rachel replied, I shouldn't show people the goods?"

Looks like the message got through.


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