Friday, March 03, 2006

Rachel's Trip Up The Creek

There is trouble in River City and trouble is spelled R-A-C-H-E-L! She's really gone and done it this time, Ollie. She crossed the line and paid the price.

These days, she enjoys taking off her clothes and changing into something else. The problem is, last night she changed out of her shorts and her pull up pants in her crib into her birthday suit.

She then proceded to "mark her territory" on the sheets, with residual leakage making its way down the crib onto the carpet and throw rug below.

Not cool! Even more not cool when daddy stepped into a puddle in his socks.

We had warned her before that she needed to curtail her Paris Hilton tendencies.
Now we had to back it up with discipline.

So, her beloved Little People went on a field daddy's underwear drawer. Michael, Sonya Lee, Eddie, Freddie, Maggie, Sarah Lynn, Farmer Jed, Jack and the Jewish Hannukah family dubbed the Goldsteins by my wife may never be the same.

In addition, every stuffed animal, save one, spent the night in the closet. Cassie from Dragontales was spared.

Rachel also got to stand in the corner. Although she tried several times to sit in the corner, she was picked up and made to stand again.

I think on some level, we got through. Rachel's shorts and pull up pants miraculously stayed on last night. Four Little People were freed from Fruit of the Loom Prison. The rest hope their incarceration will only last for a brief time.

Late edit: About a half hour after I wrote this, I received a phone call that Rachel had repeated this behavior. Looks like the Wiggles videos will go next. Stay tuned!


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