Friday, October 07, 2005

This, That and the Other

I was sitting here staring at the blank screen when I thought, "What would President Bush do?" But since I don't have any unqualified cronies, guess I'll have to write the blog myself.

So....Katie Holmes is pregnant. It's nice to see that Tom Cruise is capable of jumping something other than Oprah's couch!

Music recommendation of the week...Brian Setzer Rockabilly Riot Volume One: A Tribute to Sun Records. 50's sounding music from the former lead singer of the Stray Cats.

One of our anchors mistakenly called Smokey Bones Barbecue "Smokey Bears" on the air. "Smokey Bears...We Burn Everything!"

This week, some of the rains from Tropical Storm Tammy made it up to Atlanta. The ABC affiliate showed video of flooding in Western Georgia, where water was halfway up car doors. Only one problem. The video was from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Last time I looked, Tblisi wasn't an hour west of Atlanta!

I half expected the station to localize the New York City subway threat by putting a reporter in front of a sandwich shop!

Did you see that the building that served as stately Wayne Manor on Batman burned to the ground this week? Holy conflagaration! Can't you just see the walls getting ready to collapse and Batman and Robin trying to hold them up as they close in?

I heard a great one on the radio today. Radio announcer Christopher Rude said the Rolling Stones famous lips symbol had been retired for this year's Geezerpalooza Tour. He said they were replaced by an enlarged prostate.

The same guy said that while it may look like Keith Richards is sweating, it's actually embalming fluid.

Go Braves, drive safely and remember to tip your waitresses!


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