Thursday, November 13, 2008

Put The Fairy on Standby!

Rachel has marked another milestone. She has her first loose tooth.

According to the child resources on the Internet, she's a little early. The guides I have found say most children lose their first tooth somewhere between six and seven years old. Rachel is two months shy of six.

The same guides also say that if your child received her teeth late, they will probably lose their teeth later than average. Rachel's first tooth came in at 13 months, so she's bucking that trend too.

Of course, as is Rachel's modus operandi, the tooth development has been accompanied by much drama. She is scared. She keeps wiggling it with her finger.
By no means is her tongue to come over and play with it. It is almost as if the tooth has taken out a temporary restraining order and forbidden the tongue from coming within twenty yards of it.

Another fear she has expressed is that she may swallow it. I assured her that fear won't come back to bite her in the butt.

When I was young, my tongue always wanted to come over and play with a loose tooth, much like a cat with a June bug. Apparently, Rebecca was the same way. Rachel, not so much.

She had corn on the cob today in her lunch bag and there was no way that corn cob was getting anywhere near the loose tooth. Rachel held out for a banana when she got home and at dinner tonight, tried to learn how to bite with the side of her mouth.

Forget what mom and dad did; Rachel is the polar opposite--or is that molar opposite?

I tried to remind her that the tooth fairy will reward her when it comes out. She wanted to know whether the tooth fairy would want her tooth when it's all bloody. We assured her it would be cleaned up. She then wanted to know what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth. My guess is either a really gaudy necklace or a big payoff at the cuspid recycler.

Apparently, the tooth didn't bother her enough to avoid M&M's for dessert. They do melt in your mouth, after all.

Anyway, it looks as if for the next few days or weeks, our main topic of conversation will be the tooth,the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth!


At 6:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry to tell you this, but Rachel may get her lack of curiosity about the loose tooth from her Aunt Patty. I would avoid chewing on the side of a loose tooth as much as possible. I didn't like the feeling of it moving in my mouth. In fact, the silliest dentist appointment I had was to have the dentist remove a loose tooth after it was hit by a tetherball. It had already been loose, but it was hanging on by a thread (no pun intended). Still, I only felt secure having the dentist remove it.

At 11:58 AM , Blogger David said...


Believe you, the parallel has already been mentioned. Besides, Rachel still sits like you, with her legs behind her in an upside-down V.


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