Color Blind
There is a young African-American Police Officer named Christie who works security at the Temple. During Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, she often sits outside the room where children are babysat while their parents attend services. Rachel likes her a lot and usually tells her hi.
Recently, Rebecca and Rachel encountered Officer Christie at the Temple and Rachel looked at her and asked very seriously, "Are you a black police officer?"
Christie looked a little stunned and didn't know quite what to say.
My wife managed to get out a startled and embarassed, "RACHEL!"
Undeterred, Rachel pressed on. "It's a little dark and I can't tell. Is what you're wearing black or blue? Sometimes, dark blue can look like black. So are you a black police officer?"
As Rebecca emitted a big sigh of relief, Christie told Rachel her uniform was blue.
"Oh, okay," said Rachel. "Then you're a blue Police Officer."
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