Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Kissing and Telling

The other day, my wife and I left Chick-Fil-A in separate cars. Rachel climbed into Rebecca's car, while I prepared to drive home alone.

While Rachel was climbing into Rebecca's car, I grabbed an opportunity to give my wife a kiss.

Never one to miss out on an opportunity, Rachel stopped what she was doing and started reversing course so she could get a kiss too.

I decided to kiss her teddy bear, Joanie. I then turned Joanie around and had her deliver my kiss to Rachel's face.

"There you go," my wife said. "You got a kiss by proxy."

As I walked over to my car, my wife started laughing rather heartily.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"She said, 'her name is Joanie; it's not Proxy!'" Rebecca replied in an aggravated tone, mimicking Rachel's.


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