Thursday, November 17, 2005

Could It Be Tragic?

I believe it was Whitney Houston who once sang, "I believe that children are our future..." And then the mike went off and she asked for her crack pipe.

But Whitney was right. Our children are our future and we owe it to them to get them the best education possible and provide shelter from life's storms.

These are the formative years, the impressionable years and it's so important to place your child with people you trust at a school that matches the values you want to impart.

Fortunately, we have done that with Rachel. She interacts with others, enjoys the creative time she gets to paint or draw. Her communications skills are topnotch. For that I credit wonderful teachers and our persistent work with her at home.

Sadly though, her recent behavior has taken a turn for the bizarre. And then I found out why...her teacher is the President of the Barry Manilow Fan Club. This is not a joke. It has affected Rachel greatly. No, it's not Scientology, but still.....

When we tell Rachel it's time for a bath, she asks to go to a bathhouse and looks around without success for Bette Midler.

When her mom drops off clothing to Goodwill, Rachel praises her by saying, "Mommy!
You gave...and you gave without taking!" Even now, some of you haven't gotten that joke.

Parting at school has become an embarrassment. She's so overdramatic. Instead of a simple goodbye. it's all this, "When will our eyes meet, when can I touch you?"

And then when I come home, she squeals, "Daddy! Let me feel the wonder of all of you!" Frankly, it's creepy!

But what really chaps my rear is when she takes dramatic to a new level. We'll be discussing something and Rachel will be talking really fast, but right toward the end of the discussion, she'll slow down her cadence and loudly belt a drum every several words or so. Drama queen this one!

So that's why I'm worried. I believe Barry Manilow threatens the future of our children.

I really didn't think I'd be able to finish this diatribe tonight, but looks like we made it!


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